
Hi and thanks for stopping by. My blog is an assortment of information relating to my photography and various commercial, advertising and glamour shoots that I do. I will be sharing information relating to my shoots including info about gear, lighting set ups, post processing and some BTS shots. I will also look into other equipment such as computer hardware, back up systems, software and processing techniques that all contribute to achieving the final images you see at Chris Smith Photography. Feel free to make comments and contact me if you have any questions.

Prison Cell Shoot Package

Monday, July 11, 2011


Recently Chris Smith Photography (CSP) was appointed Snake Charmer Choppers (SCC) exclusive photographer. What this means is that CSP will be responsible for photographing all SCC events, promos and advertising. On top of this SCC and CSP will be working together to offer models, or any women for that matter, the opportunity to have  unique photo shoots with a number of different and exciting props. Some of these props include, real army tanks, sand buggies, custom built choppers and a prison cell themed shoot in the actual Snake Charmer's cell. This cell was build to represent where the Snake Charmers dreams began and how they have become a reality. For a great read, check out the Snake Charmers story here

So if you are looking to do a shoot which no one else can offer and be the envy of all your friends then get in contact today. For enquiries and booking email or contact Chris through the contact page.

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