
Hi and thanks for stopping by. My blog is an assortment of information relating to my photography and various commercial, advertising and glamour shoots that I do. I will be sharing information relating to my shoots including info about gear, lighting set ups, post processing and some BTS shots. I will also look into other equipment such as computer hardware, back up systems, software and processing techniques that all contribute to achieving the final images you see at Chris Smith Photography. Feel free to make comments and contact me if you have any questions.

V8 Action Illustrated Shoot

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Around June 2011 I was contacted to see whether I would be interested in shooting for a new start up Magazine, V8 Action Illustrated. Taken from the publishers (Michael 'Gil" Gilbert) exact words, V8 Action was produced for the V8 racing fraternity in

high gloss, is pictorially driven and doesn't just cater to the V8 Supercars but includes the Fujitsu Development series,

the V8 Utes and Touring Car MastersI was honoured that my photography style had been chosen to feature in the first ever, collectors edition of V8 Action Illustrated!

The shoot itself featured the gorgeous Georgia Kate Twyford and was quite challenging due to the lack of space in the workshop as well as difficult lighting conditions. All in all though I think we managed to get a great result. There is a time lapse video of the actual shoot which I am in the process of processing so when it is ready I will upload it.

P.S. More images can be found in the gallery!



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